Saturday, October 12, 2019

Start of Term 4 Update

Kia Ora All,

I hope everyone had a great holiday and you are all ready to rock 'n' roll for one last term! Here's a heads up about what's coming up.
  • This term, one of our inquiry focusses will be how plants survive and thrive. This will involve learning about photosynthesis; the different parts of a plant, flower and a seed; how plants reproduce etc. One thing we'll be doing is growing some seeds in class. If you have any spare seeds that the kids might enjoy growing, please send them along to school.
  • Part of the homework checklist is the possibility of doing some Maths Buddy at home. I've set a bunch of tasks for each student that will hopefully last a few weeks. If you're looking for new ideas for your home learning programme, you might like to consider adding in some Maths Buddy. 
  • Speaking of homework: Please make sure your child has their homework book ready and at school on Monday!
  • I'm looking forward to another exciting term.
Rock on,
Mr M

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Science and Maths

Kia Ora All,

This week in maths we are learning about probability. This involves making predictions about "what’s in the bag?" by drawing cubes from the bag (and then returning them). We found out that the more turns we had the more we knew about what was inside the bag. This knowledge helped us make predictions about what cube we might draw out next. However we also found out that with chance involved you can never know for sure. For home learning you could play "what’s in the bag?"

Put a total of six buttons (or counters) of two colours in a paper bag or container that you can’t see into. Ask your child to try to work out what colours the six buttons are by drawing out the buttons one at a time. It is important that the button is put back into the bag each time. Let your child do this as many times as they want until they are ready to predict the colours. Ask them to explain their prediction and then let them look in the bag.
Next time let your child make up a bag for you to work out.

We've also been learning about circuits by making buzz wire games. This Thursday is science fair day. Will you have the concentration and dexterity necessary to complete your child's buzz wire challenge without being 'buzzed"?

Rock On,

Mr M

What's In The Bag?

Buzz Wire

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Stomp Rocket Challenge

Kia Ora All,

Today Rooms 2 and 4 ran our second annual Stomp Rocket Challenge. Both classes did exceptionally well and there were some truely impressive flights. Below are some pictures and a video of the competition. The results for length were: 1st Cody, 2nd Kya and 3rd Oshi. In height Kaice came 1st, Layla G and Ashton tied for 2nd, and Hinemoa and Cody tied for 3rd. Mori picked up a certificate for coolest landing.

A great day of science and technology.

Rock on,
Mr M