Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The Next Great Adventure

Kia Ora All,

Below are some pictures that have rolled in throughout the day. Looking very cool.

Another suggestion which came from a parent was the daily Stuff News Kids' Quiz. I'm going to get Olive to give it a crack tomorrow. If you've got any ideas that work for you, feel free to let me know and I'll post them.

Here's the next task for when you've finished the map and the transport:

You're finally ready to head on out to your island. Your transport is ready to go and the island is now officially yours. But as your Nana always says: "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail," and she's not the sort of Nana whose advice can be ignored. That means that it's time to make a list. On the list are going to be the top 10 things you'll need to take with you to keep you entertained while staying on your island.

  • Give your list a heading and don't forget to bullet point each item.

The other thing that your Nana happens to mention as you're getting ready to go is the legend of the mythical creature that lives on your island. Some people say it's real, some say it's just a legend - whatever the case, everyone you talk to agrees that you wouldn't want to meet this creature... You can't get much information, but you do manage to find out that it's half of one animal and half of another (like many mythical creatures). Your task is to put a fact file about this creature together. You may like to research mythical creatures as you're doing this activity. You might like to get ideas from Greek Mythology e.g., a centaur, or Maori legends such as the legend of Ngarara Huarau.

  • Draw a detailed picture of your creature.
  • Give it a name.
  • Give it a special power.
  • What does it eat and where does it live?
  • Does it have any weaknesses?
Rock On,
Mr M
                                                                 Finn Map
Dayananda Vehicle 
 Bodhi Map
 Mitchell Vehicle
 Olive Vehicle 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Really interesting Island details and the vehicles look very carefully planned! Excellent thinking kids!
