Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Six Sentence Stories

Four Ninjas

By Dayananda

Once upon a time there were four ninja’s called Kai, Zane, Z and Lloyd.
Their master is called Sensei Woo.
Lloyd lives with his other ninja friends in a mountain and they have four pet dragons.
Lloyd’s special talent is spin jitzu.
Lloyd is battling his father Lord Garmadon because he is bad and Sensei turned Lloyd into the
Green ninja to help in the battle against Lord Garmedon and the serpentine.
Lloyd is sad he has to battle his father but he is determined to defeat him and save the world.
The ninjas were in their room one day playing video games when Sensei was meditating with a
special incense and in his mind he saw Lord Garmedon setting off to the village to kick people
out of their homes and destroy the village. So Sensei called the ninjas and they went to the village
and beat Lord Garmedon up until he left and went back home. Lord Garmedon said
“You won't see the last of me”.

Missing Marine
By Mitchell

Once upon a time there was a U.S. Marine named Dave, he was big,
strong and muscular, he was the best in his platoon. He lives at Parris
Island in South Carolina. He is a talented marine, he works in a k-9
unit with his dog Explosive, who detects explosives. Once Dave got
stuck in a cave in Afghanistan, he was alone with his dog, he was
M.I.A (missing in action). He felt super scared, but the dog was ok!
Then the dog sniffed a trail along the back of the cave and saved them both.
Marine dog handlers in Iraq mourn death of colleague - News - Stripes
Wild Mage
By Dash

Once upon a time there was a Wild Mage stuck in a meadow covered in trees.  His special talent, of course, is magic.  But... slaters were starting to eat his spell book, and he was also worried that all his wizard friends were dead.  He finds a big lost temple being guarded by evil wizards and knights.  He sees a bunch of grave stones and he notices that the graves are from his friends.  But then he notices a crack in the wall, and in that wall are some spell books.  He reaches his hand through and picks up 2 books and runs off without being seen.

The Singer
By Bodhi

Once upon a time there was a young boy who had a giant burn on his face. The little boy lived with his family in a small village. The young boy was a  very talented singer and he loved to perform. When he performed, no one in the village came to see him sing because the burn on his face made him look so different to others. This made the boy very sad. He knew he had to do something to get the village people to listen to him sing. The little boy made a mask and wore it the next time he sang. All the people in the village listened and loved his singing.

The Night Fox
By Que

Once upon a time there was baby FoX. It was a female
and the oldest of the pups. She ran away in the middle
of the night because the pups teased her about her feet.
Her name was Meadow. Meadow was found by two
lovely people under their deck. Their names were John and Martha. They had a dog he was a male. John and Martha
kept Meadow and brought her up like a dog. After a while Meadow and Night, the boy's dog, had puppies.
Martha and John sold 6 of them and they kept 4 of the
puppies. John and Martha bought a new house.
And now they live in the nice big house as Happy as can be.

ThE EnD🐵🐕

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