Sunday, March 22, 2020

School Closure - The Plan

Kia Ora All,

To keep the learning rolling (and hopefully keep the kids a bit more entertained) I'm going to set work through the blog. I'll aim to set tasks that can be adapted to a range of abilities and suggest ways to do that. This is actually a good opportunity to explore some of the things your child does throughout the day at school. Today, lets make sure there are some basics in place:
  • Access to a computer is essential for online learning - please get your child to log into their school gmail account on a home computer. If your child has forgotten their password, let me know and I'll send it to you.
  • Make sure your child can log into Maths Buddy (this should be bookmarked on their Google account). I will set and monitor tasks for your child to complete at an appropriate level. You can do the tasks with your child, or let them get on with it themselves.  
  • Bookmark the class blog on their Google account. 
  • Because there are a wide range of abilities when it comes to reading, you may have to help your child with this next task: Read this National Geographic article about sharks. Make up a question that you need to have read the article to answer e.g., which direction does a shark attack from? Post the answer to my question by replying to my comment below. Post a question of your own by adding a comment and answer other peoples' questions. The aim of this activity is to get a conversation about this article going between kids from the class. 
  • If you're confused about how to post a comment, hopefully the below video works for you.
  • I'll regularly set learning tasks. As always, please touch base with me if you need extra support or have any feedback for me. 
Rock On,
Mr M


  1. Which direction does a shark attack from?

  2. How many oceans are great white sharks found in? From Olive!

  3. How many teeth does a great white shark have? From Bodhi

  4. 300 sharp teeth. From mitchell

  5. How long can a Great White Shark be? From Mitchell
