Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Motupipi Anthem Lyric Writing Competition.

Last weekend I booked some time in Glenview Road Studios and recorded a backing track for a school anthem. I recorded myself singing an idea of some lyrics, but I think it would be much better if the lyrics were written by you guys so I'm going to run the Motupipi Anthem Lyric Writing Competition.

The Rules Are Simple
  1. The lyrics must be about Motupipi School and reflect the positive nature of the school and unique environment here. 
  2. The lyrics must include the school values: Believe in yourself, be caring, take the challenge, succeed. 
  3. The lyrics should include other things such as our motto: Making A Difference Together and generally paint a picture about how awesome this school is.
  4. You may have to be prepared for suggestions about to make your lyrics BTB (Better Than Before) before we record if you win. 
  5. We will take the best bits of your submitted lyrics and make them into a final superlative school anthem of greatness. 
  6. Lyrics must be submitted to me by Friday the 29th of September 2017 by 2.48pm - in a digital format. 
Mr M's Tips For Songwriters
  1. Check out my lyrics. You are welcome to keep any parts that you really like if you wish. Personally I can't see how you can make the chorus do a better job of making it clear that the song is about Motupipi School, so personally I would consider keeping this in your version. It's up to you though. 
  2. Sing along with the backing track as you write your lyrics. Your lyrics must fit in with the melody of the song. See me if you don't understand what I mean by that.
  3. Have fun, music is awesome
What's It For?

What will we do with your lyrics you may ask? Well, I plan to record some of the talented singers at Motupipi singing the final song and we'll put their vocals with the backing track. In term four we'll make a music video that includes the whole school and share it with the world!

Motupipi Anthem Demo with Mr M's Sample Lyrics

Motupipi Anthem Backing Track with Melody

Rock On,

Mr M

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