Saturday, November 4, 2017

Aonghus - Best Worst Holiday Ever

My holiday was stunningly jaw droppingly bad. So bad I tore up a bit of paper into smaller bits of paper, then small then smaller and smaller and smaller bits, until they were as small as ants Then I ate them.

Then the most breathtaking thing of my holiday happened: Mum's phone got a text from Mav's Mum. The text was wonderfully great. I was going to Mav's house. Wait did my mum just say I was going to have a jaw dropping  sleepover? I ran to pack and a minutes later I finished packing. I jumped into the car and shouted "are you ready yet?" so loud it would have popped your head off.

It was a pretty slow drive because there were road works happening. "Mum, are we there yet?" I asked annoyingly.
"yes," she shouted.

I ran out. I found Mav and together we ran down to the creek taking to each over about ideas.

It was the most bad but good holiday.        

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