Here are some pictures of the outcome of our measurement unit designing and making rainbow jellies. Some good learning went on with a delicious outcome. Here are a few other things to look out for next week.
- Parent / teacher interviews on Tuesday and Wednesday. Book a time through Jane at your convenience.
- Reports went home Friday, if you haven't seen your child's report yet please ask them for it.
- End of term BTB points auction: Small items donated for the kids to bid on with their points can be brought to school ready for Wednesday or Thursday.
- We didn't get to film speeches this week. Cue cards for next week would be excellent please.
- Homework tasks have been a bit thin on the ground the last 3-4 weeks! There have been a lot of things on and I haven't managed to squeeze it in sorry. We're in the process of creating a lift the flap style ancient Egypt fact file as part of our Inquiry. If you're after a home learning task then finding some facts about ancient Egypt and helping your child to write them in their own words would fit in nicely.
- Helping your child draw a scale floor plan of their bedroom or similar would fit in nicely with this coming week's maths unit on maps.
Rock On,
Mr M